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Mezheplerin Doğuşuna Bir Bakış

Yazar Adı : İlim Dalı : Mezhepler Tarihi
Konusu : Dili : Türkçe
Özelliği : Makale Türü :
Ekleyen : Nurgül Çepni/2010-01-05 Güncelleyen : /0000-00-00

Mezheplerin Doğuşuna Bir Bakış [Muhammed Zâhid Kevserî (1371/1952)]

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This is a preface written by the famous Turkish scholar Zahid al-Kawthari who was brought up in the Fatih Madrasas on the book entitled Tabyin Kadhib al-Muftari fima Nusibe ila al-Imam Abi al-Hasan al-Ash’ari by Ibn al-Athakir. Ali Sami an-NaTTar, an Egyptian researcher, describes this work as “ecxellent”1. Author, firstly, gives a profile about the social, religious and political structure of the Arabian Peninsula at the time when the Prophet Muhammad began his career. Then, he stresses on how Islam was spread in a very short time by means of the Prophet Muhammad and how the humanbeings submitted themselves to it. The author says that people have preserved the purity in their believes at the time of the Prophet Muhammad, the Caliphs Abu Bakir and Umar. He also indicates that from the time of the Caliph Uthman onwards various groups of fitnah which lost their power and authority began acting in the society. Finally, he talks about some sects such as Shia, Murcia, Cabriya, Qadariya, Mu’tazila, Hashawiya, Ash’ariya and Maturidiya which have emerged as a result of political, social, economical and intellectual changes and talks about their main representatives, too.
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