Hit (3430) M-2157

Cahiliyye Araplarında Kız Çocuklarını Gömerek Öldürme Adeti

Yazar Adı : İlim Dalı : Tarih
Konusu : Dili :
Özelliği : Makale Türü : Müstakil
Ekleyen : Fıkıh Dersleri/2014-05-03 Güncelleyen : /0000-00-00

Cahiliyye Araplarında Kız Çocuklarını Gömerek Öldürme Âdeti

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Custom offVa'dalBanat (Female Genocide orKilling Daughters by Burying Them Alive) in Jahiliyya Arabs The custom of wa'd al-banat is one of the most freguent blames used against Jahiliyya Arabs by people who want to criticize them. Freguent usage of this blame has been causing to give someone an impression that the custom was commonly being performed among ali Arabs in the time of Jahiliyya. In fact, after searching and evaluating the sources in this field, it is seen that the custom was taking place in few tribes, such as Tamim tribe, not in the others. Reports claiming that the custom of wa'd al-banat emerged just before the advent of the Prophet Muham-med, are far from being acceptable. The main reasons of wa'dal-banat were economic reasons and "pos-sible honor problems" that might be caused or created by daughters when they reached to puberty or adult ages.
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